Sunday, January 4, 2009

Sweet Dreams Not So Sweet Lately

Tanya's been having some sleep issues lately so the dr. sent her for a sleep study overnight at Longmont Hospital. Now NORMALLY, she can sleep anywhere, anytime. But for some reason, when there was a ton of money involved, a bazillion wires, and someone watching your every move, the brain did not slow down for deep sleep.

Basically, the brain was in over-drive all night and when there was sleeping involved, it was never a deep sleep. So the results are basically inconclusive. Wes, the tech, said that there were some breathing issues, but really the dr. will need to interpret and decide next steps as most issues are measured during the "deep sleep" phase. Ugh. So another visit to the sleep study lab may be in Tanya's future. We'll see.

Next time, a camera will be brought for personal photos of the journey - here's a photo of the set-up of wires. Obviously, this is not Tanya, but you get the gist. This is what it looked like for every bathroom visit during the night....normally the big hunk of wires lays on the bed next to you while it's hooked to all the equipment. The worst parts were the noxious adhesive smells when they put the wires on your scalp and then the acetone when they took them off. Gotta love sending those chemicals through the skin to my unborn child!

1 comment:

  1. Jeff & tanya,

    Great to get your card. love the blog. I just showed some property to a terry Sadler from Durango. Wonderful to know you are expecting.

    Jim & Gail
