Friday, August 22, 2008

Cue Gloria Gaynor...I will survive!

Ahhh.... Friday! The joy of the first week of school is here. August is always super crazy for me since its time to head back to school. I must say, I did well this year. I managed to spend less than a week getting my classroom and stuff ready this year - and I waited until right before school started to go in! Thank goodness for my middle school helpers and my teaching partner - they helped me with the last minute dash to completion before meet n greet night.

I have 24 kids this year - a great class all in all. BUT I do have a kiddo with autism and no support. He's a bit of a handful - and is really forcing me back into my special ed days. The days are long and tiring, but I feel like I am already making more progress than I have in a while. Rarely do I have a chance to sit down - hopefully that will help me lose some more weight too! We made it all the way through the week with no major outbursts - up until the last minute of school when I told this child that he could not have something someone had given him.... ah the joy of hearing someone wail so that everyone can hear it for miles around...I LOVE my job!

Wyatt has transitioned well into going to Miss Julie full time. Although he is not taking naps and is causing others not to nap either. NOT good. He's also been spitting and hitting. So...we have some definate skills to hammer home. This is why he's not in preschool yet. I can't even imagine that!

Jeff is searching for a new Boulder CrossFit home. His current rental space has been sold so we're on to bigger, better warehouses for the new and improved full time BCF. Good things are coming...I can feel it. The gym has also been steadily increasing its membership the past few weeks. Always a good thing!

Guess that's about. Wyatt's new phrase is, "Knock it off!" I guess that's better than, "STUPID"!

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