Monday, August 4, 2008

Here we go again....

This year I have vowed to relax a bit and not over-do anything. I haven't even worked on my classroom yet - that's a first for me. Usually I am school by the end of July getting organized, decorated, papers copied, helping around the school. Not this year. Nope. I'm chillin' like a villin' at home.

But wait...that's not entirely true. I have to go to trainings this week for newly adopted materials - yucko! So reality has finally sunk in. I have to leave the lazy days of summer behind - get my life organized and pull together the classroom in about a week. Ugh...

My biggest purchase this year for the classroom was about $5 worth of border and decor. That's it - another first for me. Of course, our current budget doesn't even allow for that, but hey - I bought it before the budget crisis brought on by the Trango powers that be. No bitterness here. Nope. Nada. to get my stuff organized for an early start to the day. Here's to everyone out there who gets up early and heads out the door before 7:30 a.m. - I don't know how you do it!


  1. Hi Sadler's!

    Just got the email about the blog and I LOVE it! Hopefully now that you are back in school swing you will still be able to post and keep us all up to date. I love your new attitude and hope it gives you a little more time to enjoy the things in life that really matter.

    Miss you all ~ Jill

  2. Thanks, Jill!

    I have been slacking on the blogging, but hope to resume now that we've settled into a schedule around here!
