Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Ok, I'll switch back from Facebook!

I don't get to see my friend Missy too much these days. Yes, we live only a few miles apart. Yes, we work in the same building. Yes, there's no real reason that we don't see each other very often other than we're busy. That's it. Plain and simple. And her life is going to be getting doubly busy in the next few months as their family goes from two children to four with the arrival of surprise baby boy and their adopted Korean girl. Man, poor Brynn isn't going to know what hit her. Tanner, we'll he'll manage... he kinda gets it all. But poor little Brynn's going to have her world rocked. Anyway, the reason I started talking about Missy is that today we actually sat next to each other for the better part of a full day. Still didn't really get to socialize all too much, but we were physically near each other and she said something to the effect of,"Man, you're a little behind on your blogging." Yeah, I do Facebook these days. Join the rest of us on there and catch a glimpse into my crazy life that way. I don't think Missy will ever get on board with Facebook... so here's to you, my friend. I am back to blogging and will TRY to do a better job keeping up with posts. And for the pictures... well someday I will figure out a good way to download and organize them so I can post them easily and quickly. Not today, though. It just isn't in the cards, baby.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh a new blog post and it's all about me!!! I'm so excited and feel so honored! I will have to check your blog more often now, ha, ha - no pressure. And you never know someday I just might surprise you and show up on Facebook!!! And we soon will get to spend a whole 3 days together scrapbooking - you might be sick of me by Sunday you know. :0)
