Monday, July 26, 2010

We've flown the coop!

Well, once again it has taken me a while to get back to blogging - sorry, Missy!

Our family has has a wild and crazy ride the past few months and it's not about to calm down anytime soon. We closed up shop (literally on Boulder CrossFit) and packed up our home into an ABF trailer. Spent a few days with our good friends, the McIntosh's and then jammed our mini van full of necessities before heading out on the open road.

2800 miles later, we can say that we that we saw the Teton's, Yellowstone, Mt. Rushmore, and TONS of pavement. We also discovered, at 12:30 a.m., that camping with a teething one year old and a four year old with night terrors may not be a good idea. So noted. The van was never packed the same again. Driving through Yellowstone in the dead of night isn't really the best way to see the park, either. BUT it was kinda cool seeing the steam come up from the side of the road and wonder what was "over there" in the mist... a little eerie though when everyone else in the car is sound asleep.

We finally landed here in Rochester and have made Casa Sadler our home for the time being. There's been a few spreading out and growing pains for us all, but it's coming together. Now we just need to find a home we love and move in... and oh yeah... jobs would be nice too!

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